Tag Archives: kiosk manufacturers

Why People Love Kiosk Machines

More and more, kiosk machines are growing in popularity around the world. They serve as directories, information guides, check-in services, lobby attendants, and even place your order at restaurants. The applications for kiosks are endless, and the list of industries relying on self-service is growing faster than ever before. Let's take a more in-depth look…
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How We Use 3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing is the process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The "additive" part refers to how the printer creates the object. It lays down successive layers of materials until the object is created. Each layer looks like a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual…
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Introducing the ATD-2 Automatic Ticket Dispenser

The ATD-2 has all the same features and benefits of the ATD-1 with the added ability to print double tickets. Our automatic ticket dispensers remove the burden of managing your raffle tickets while increasing raffle ticket sales.   Increase Revenue with Decreased Effort If you’re issuing your raffle tickets by a person you’re losing tens…
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A Brief History of the Kiosk

The self-service kiosk was invented to improve time and cost efficiency. The birth of the vending machine dates as far back as the 1800s. Kiosk manufacturers have come a long way since the first machines hit the market.   The First Vending Machines Self-service was introduced in the 1880s with the invention of the vending machine.…
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